Viale Regina Margherita 4
95125 Catania
Tel. 328 087 4597
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After graduating, he obtained a degree as a Fashion Designer at the Marangoni institute in Milan, the first of a long series of satisfactions that the young designer will obtain.
In 2020, coinciding with the first years of his career, he founded the Accademia Alta Moda in the city of Catania, a training institution in Southern Italy with the main aim of training the new generation of talents. He is frequently asked how difficult it is to carry out his work in Sicily: "I think that nowadays, regardless of where you work, there are obstacles and difficulties to overcome on a daily basis, but I also believe that with the commitment, determination and spirit of sacrifice, whatever goal may become achievable. The important thing is to believe in it firmly, being able to count on the support of your loved ones"
The designer, despite having already managed to achieve important professional goals, remains a young man with many dreams still in the drawer.